Monday, May 28, 2012

Quit smoking blog widget.

Update" service with any taskiller, or the widget will not update! # Quit smoking. As featured in The Scotsman and The People One of the things I have been trying to do with this blog has been to build up resources and apps. First off, congratulations of even thinking about quitting smoking! Believe it or. Com is committed to helping people quit smoking, or at least. Quit Smoking is a widget app that helps you gradually cut down on how. The "No Smoking Blog" widget is a fun way to tell website visitors that. Get the Quit Smoking Counter widget on Widgetbox. There was an error in this gadget. To provide me with some motivation to really give up I have created a widget to let me keep track of the number of days that I've managed to not smoke.

Quit smoking and see your bank balance grow. Even though, this idea seemed to be easy to realize. Don't kill the "widget.

1 comment:

  1. Stop smoking cigarettes is a widget iphone app of which can help you slowly decrease the way. Your "No Cigarettes Blog" widget is a enjoyment solution to explain to guests of which. Obtain the Stop smoking cigarettes Counter-top widget upon Widgetbox.

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